Thursday, April 7, 2016

My Morning Ritual

Hey everyone!
With the spring season beginning and the warm weather right around the corner, I thought this was a great time to post this blog! 

Tricks to start your morning off happier and healthier!

I have always been the type of person who wakes up 15 minutes before I had to leave, rushed getting ready and grabbed breakfast on the go. I soon realized that it was making me more miserable and cranky everyday!
Here is how I overcame that problem…

1. Wake up an hour and a half, or more, before leaving the house. I now wake up at 8:00 AM and leave the house at 9:40 AM.

2. Don't dwell in bed, get up and open all the blinds!!! I live on the first floor and my room faces the parking lot so I can't open the blinds but I do open the curtain and let in some natural light! When it is warm out, I open the window for some fresh air.

3. Minimize your technology usage.This is especially hard for me, I like checking the daily weather, Instagram, Snapchat, Timehop and Facebook in the morning but I limited myself to only the weather until breakfast 

4. Drink a glass of water! Hydrating in the morning is important. I used to go straight to coffee but now that I drink water first, I feel more awake throughout the day. 

5. Morning yoga. I started this about 2 weeks about and I have to say, it is the best thing i have ever started! I do between 5 and 20 minutes of yoga every morning to wake me up in a calm relaxing way. Here are my favorite videos:

6. Dress to impress…..yourself! My motto is “when you look good, you feel good”. Simply wearing jeans and a nice shirt can make you feel better all day. So, do your hair, put on some make up and get out of those sweatpants!

7. Reward yourself with a cup of coffee and a good breakfast! This is also the perfect time to catch up on social media. 

Changing your daily ritual may be hard and feel almost impossible to begin, but once you get the hang of it you will really see the results. My professor once said, it takes 20 days to create a habit, so stick through for about 20 days and this morning ritual will become second nature.
I hope this helps you feel happier in the morning and more awake throughout the day! 

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