Monday, June 19, 2017

Plane Entertianment

As I have become what I consider a Frequent Flyer, and by that I mean 2 times a year, I feel that plane rides get longer and longer.

Here is what I pack in my carry-on to keep myself entertained for long plane rides and layovers. 

Seeing as vacation is my only time to catch up on magazines, I usually pack 2 or 3 new ones to read. I like to look at new trends and of course read into all the celebrity gossip. My favorite magazine is Cosmo. This latest trip I also took The Knot bridal magazine since my sister is getting married next year!

I bring my tablet with apps ready to keep me busy. Knowing I wont have service, I make sure I have games downloaded that don't need wifi. The games I play are Bubble Shooter, Sudoku and Bejeweled.
I also use my tablet to read on my kindle app. I usually have 3 books at a time, just in case i finish or don't like one. I like to have options. The books I currently have downloaded on my tablet are Confessions of a Shopaholic and Where I Belong.  

Image result for where i belong bookImage result for confessions of a shopaholic book

Chargers and extra battery packs 
Always have your phone charger and your tablet charger. Some planes have USB chargers in the seats which is perfect for long rides. This is also useful if you have a layover. I also pack 1 fully chargers battery pack in case I can't get to a plug or USB port. 

I don't go anywhere without candy. My favorite flying candy is Pull N Peel Twizzlers. These are better then bringing chocolates because they wont melt or leave a mess if they spill. 

I like to pack a bag of chips or some kind of snack in my carry-on as well. I tend to bring Checks Mix because they don't make a mess on your hands. 

I traveled a lot last summer and I got myself a neck pillow for the long plane rides. I love this pillow and I use to in the air port as well as on the plane. It clips together so I can clip it on to my backpack and I won't have to worry about carrying it around with me.  

Never leave home without sunnies!! Flying above the clouds gets really bright. Also, this allows you to sleep and not have to worry about anyone looking at you. 

In case of emergencies, make sure you have Advil or tums. You never know to your body will react to turbulence or the take off/landing. 

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