Friday, July 14, 2017

DIY- Bed Tray

Recently I received a Surface Pro Tablet for my graduation present! I LOVE it (LINK HERE)! But I have found myself having a hard time getting comfortable using it in bed. Since the keyboard is detachable, this makes the tablet a little top heavy.

I came across an old bed tray in my house. I decided it needed a make over!

- Tray
- Small Clay Saucer 
- Acrylic Paint (I used Craft Smart's Rose Gold)
- Stickers of your choice (Pineapples of course!)

1. Begin by taping the edges of the tray. This will prevent any paint from getting on the bottom part of the tray. If you want the tray all one color, ignore this step :)

2. Paint the edges of the tray in the color of your choice. (LINK HERE)

3. I then used Craft Smart Premium Pineapple Transfers in alternating gold and silver. You can chose any stickers that fit your style best.

4. I next decided to paint a small clay sauer to match my tray. This is for drinks or snacks! I used the same Craft Smart Rose Gold paint to paint this saucer.

TADA!! This tray is perfect for people who do work while laying in bed or on the couch! Feel free to personalize this tray to fit the look you want!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Plane Entertianment

As I have become what I consider a Frequent Flyer, and by that I mean 2 times a year, I feel that plane rides get longer and longer.

Here is what I pack in my carry-on to keep myself entertained for long plane rides and layovers. 

Seeing as vacation is my only time to catch up on magazines, I usually pack 2 or 3 new ones to read. I like to look at new trends and of course read into all the celebrity gossip. My favorite magazine is Cosmo. This latest trip I also took The Knot bridal magazine since my sister is getting married next year!

I bring my tablet with apps ready to keep me busy. Knowing I wont have service, I make sure I have games downloaded that don't need wifi. The games I play are Bubble Shooter, Sudoku and Bejeweled.
I also use my tablet to read on my kindle app. I usually have 3 books at a time, just in case i finish or don't like one. I like to have options. The books I currently have downloaded on my tablet are Confessions of a Shopaholic and Where I Belong.  

Image result for where i belong bookImage result for confessions of a shopaholic book

Chargers and extra battery packs 
Always have your phone charger and your tablet charger. Some planes have USB chargers in the seats which is perfect for long rides. This is also useful if you have a layover. I also pack 1 fully chargers battery pack in case I can't get to a plug or USB port. 

I don't go anywhere without candy. My favorite flying candy is Pull N Peel Twizzlers. These are better then bringing chocolates because they wont melt or leave a mess if they spill. 

I like to pack a bag of chips or some kind of snack in my carry-on as well. I tend to bring Checks Mix because they don't make a mess on your hands. 

I traveled a lot last summer and I got myself a neck pillow for the long plane rides. I love this pillow and I use to in the air port as well as on the plane. It clips together so I can clip it on to my backpack and I won't have to worry about carrying it around with me.  

Never leave home without sunnies!! Flying above the clouds gets really bright. Also, this allows you to sleep and not have to worry about anyone looking at you. 

In case of emergencies, make sure you have Advil or tums. You never know to your body will react to turbulence or the take off/landing. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Job Search Tips and Tricks

Searching for jobs can not only be stressful but it ca be hard and tedious. Understanding the difficulty, here are some tips and tricks that I have found helpful during my time searching for a job:

1. Search broad at first
When searching the job sites be sure to start your search as broad as you can. Once you have found jobs you qualify for and you are interested in under the broad search, search for those job titles. This will help you narrow down the broad search to finding jobs you fit.

2. Find key words to add to your search
Play around with the job titles you are searching. If you find a common word, try adding it to the job title and see what pops up.

3. Apply to more rather then less
It is better to apply to more jobs then be picky with what you are applying for.

4. Don't be afraid to try something new
Each job holds different tasks and qualifications. Don't be afraid to try something new and take a leap into a job you are uncertain about.

5. Search different websites
Jobs may be listed on one site and not the other. Be sure to switch up which job site you are searching. Here are the links to the most popular job search engines!
     - CareerBuilder
     - LinkedIn Jobs 
     - Monster
     - Indeed
     - Jobs

Breathe! Change can be hard and starting a new job is always stressful but new experiences
 are great! Good luck!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Holiday Punch

Hi Everyone,
With the holidays coming to an end, I wanted to share my favorite punch of this season. This was a perfect sweet, light drink to share with my family on Christmas Eve. Easy to sip on with a kick to make the night more interesting.

Warning: This punch contains alcohol!!

* 1 bottle of Pink Champagne (you can use the brand of your choice, I picked the cheapest one!)
* 2 Liters of Cherry 7 Up
*  1/2 a Liter of Pinnacle Whipped Vodka (Use more or less according to the taste you want. More vodka will stronger in alchohl but and more sweet)
* Blackberries
* Strawberries
* 3 ice cube trays

Ice Cubes: 
1. Cut strawberries in quarters. Cut blackberries into half.
2. Use 3 ice cube trays. The first tray. place 1 strawberry quarter in each cube. In the second tray, place 1 blackberry half in each cube. In the third tray, place 1 strawberry quarter and 1 blackberry half in each cube.
3. Fill all 3 trays with cherry 7 Up.
*Note: I made my ice cubes the night before I made this punch. My ice cubes did not freeze all the way because soda does not fully freeze. It made a slushy type ice cube!

The Punch: 
1. In a bowl or pitcher, combine the 7 Up, Pink Champagne and Pinnacle Whipped. Alter the amount of Vodka according to way you like it.
2. Add the slushy ice cubes to the punch

TADA!!!!! Although I made this punch for Christmas Eve, this is a very sweet punch! It would be perfect for all times of the year. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

College 101

I have been working on a new blog for a class project!

This is a blog for incoming college students, some advice and tips to help them through their college career. Being a senior, currently, I have used my knowledge and past experience to help others get through similar situations.

Check it out Here!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Daily Makeup Routine

Make up has never been my strong spot growing up. I tend to stick to the very basics and apply my makeup very lightly and naturally.

Here is what I do and the products I use to make this neutral look:

*All my make up is from CVS or Harmon. Most of these products and brands can be found at any drugstore or grocery store*

1. Before anything, I keep my face moisturized. I use POND'S Dry Skin Face Cream every night and morning to make sure my face doesn't get dry. ($10)

2. First, I use a concealer under my eyes to get rid of the dark circles. I use Conceal RX ($9). I apply just a little dot on my finger and dab it in under my eyes until it is all blended in.

3. I then use a large brush to apply Revlon Nearly Naked Powder. This comes in different shades depending on your skin tone. I use Medium Moyen. I apply the powder all over my face, it smooths your faces and makes it all one solid color without using a heavy, pastey foundation ($10)
The brush is ELF Bronzing Brush ($2)

4. In the summer I use a bronzer so my face will match my tan skin. I use Rimmel Natural Bronzer in the shade Sun Bronze 022 ($6). I Use the same large brush I use in the step above to apply the bronzer to your cheek bones, jaw line, nose and lightly on your forehead. You want to blend it in well.

5. If I know I need my makeup to last, like at a party or long work day, I will apply an Eye Shadow Base to my eyelids so the makeup will hold. I use NYX Eye Shadow Base ($7). You can use your finger and rub in the base to your entire eye lid, let it sit for a minute to it is not wet.

6. Next I use Mark Eyeliner on just my top lid. I go right against my lash line and try to get the line as thin as I can. I have found over the years that bottom liner makes my eyes water and itch. I like the natural look that the top liner gives. ($4)
If you like to use bottom liner, once in awhile I do, I use Wet N Wild Pencil Liner in Baby Got Black shade. I apply this lightly to my lash line and top lash line. ($1)
For a more dramatic look, use top and bottom liner. I do not do this because I feel it makes my eyes too dark, but some people like this look. Feel free to try out which style you like best!

7. Once my eyeliner is done I do my eye shadow, I am not very good at the “Smokey Eye” look, so tend to stick to one color. My absolute favorite color comes in a palette of 8 colors. The palate is from Wet N Wild, called Comfort Zone. This palette is perfect for beginners because it labels where to use each color to get that "Smokey" look. My favorite color is the left side, eyelid color. If I want to brighten my eyes, I use the left side browbone color on my whole lid ($5)
Feel free to play around with differnt colors and belnding colors together. Eye shadow is where people can get very creative! I tend to stick to browns and pinks but if you are feeling daring, try a blue or a purple!

8. Next I apply my mascara. I use a few different brands.
    1. Rimmel Scandaleyes Flex ($7)
    2. Maybelline The Colossal Volume ($8) *My Favorite*
    1. Maybelline Pumped Up Colossal Volume ($8)
I use all of 3 at once, because I like the bold eye lashes look. You can use as much or as little as you want! Try to move the brush back and forth on your lashes to make sure they do not clump together. Slow strokes are better then quick ones in controlling what your lashes come out like. I also like to add the black color to my bottom lashes, I do not like them long, so I lay the brush over them and pick it back up. Again, play around with the mascara to find the style you like!

9. For special occasions I like to use something on my lips. I like NYX butter gloss because it is simple and easy to use, I love the color Tiramisu, BLG07 ($5). I also have L'Oreal Paris Color Caresses Wet Shine Stain ($5), and Wet N Wild Megalast Liquid Lip Color ($6). I like the lip stains because they do not come off as easily and you do not need to reapply as often as regular lip stick. I am not a big lipstick person so these lip stains are very easy for me to use as well as being a natural pink color.
For a more bold look, try different lip colors. Red, purple or even a dark maroon will add a bold accent to your look.

10. The last step is to remember to take off your make up before going to sleep. Keeping make up on is very bad for your skin and your eyes. I don't use any remover in particular, usually store brand whip. Try to use an oil free remover so your skin is left clean and oil free. If your face is prone to breaking out, this step is extra important. Before bed, make sure the make up is completely removed and moisturize your face so it is clean and fresh for the morning!

Natural and Easy!! This routine takes me less then 10 minutes in the morning. If you do not like one of the steps feel free to skip over them or add anything you want! And as you can see, all of my make up is $10 and under. I do not go for the expensive brands but just the ones that will do its job! I have you enjoy and have fun making this look your own!

Alcoholic Cupcakes

Here are 2 recipes for different types of alcoholic cupcakes to ring in the summer with a little kick! Both are fruity, light, and perfect for any outdoor picnic! The first is what I call a Boozy Strawberry Shortcake Cupcake, it’s mainly a strawberry cake with Pinnacle Whipped Vodka. The second is a Margarita Cupcake! It’s a vanilla base with hints of lime and tequila! Read the recipes below, hope you enjoy!

Boozy Strawberry Shortcake Cupcake

1. To start, follow the directions on the back of a Strawberry Cake Mix box. I used Pillsbury’s Moist Supreme Strawberry cake mix, but any similar brand will work.

2. Once the batter is complete,  add 2 shots of Pinnacle Whipped Vodka and mix well.

3. Pour the batter into paper lined cupcake tins, and bake as directed on the cake mix box. Once the cupcakes are finished baking,  make sure the cupcakes are fully cooked by poking the middle of one of the cupcakes with a toothpick. If the toothpick comes out cleans, the cupcake is finished backing!

4. Take the cupcakes out of the oven and out of the cupcake pan, and let cool.

5. While the cupcakes are cooling. Start on your icing!


1. You’ll need any 12 ounce jar of vanilla flavored icing. I used Betty Crocker’s Whipped Vanilla Icing, but again, any similar brand will work. I personally like to do my mixing  in the icing container so I don't dirty another bowl, but feel free to scoop the icing out and mix in a separate bowl if you need!

2. Add 1 shot of the Pinnacle Whipped Vodka to your vanilla  icing, and mix well .

3. Next, cut  about 1 cup of strawberries into very fine pieces and add to the icing mix. I kept adding strawberries until the strawberry flavor that I wanted was there but not overpowering. Feel free to add as many or as few as you’d like, but remember that the cake mix is strawberry flavored as well.

4. You may find that your icing has turned runny and watery. After adding the extra liquid from the vodka, and the juice from the strawberries, this is expected to happen. If your icing ends up too watery, add a small amount of confectioners sugar to thicken it up.You won’t want to leave the icing watery, or you’ll have a hard time icing and eating the cupcakes!

5. Now time to ice the cupcakes! I find it easiest to scrape the icing into a plastic bag.and make sure it’s sealed well. I then cut one of the bottom corners of the bag off, just leaving a wide enough hole for the icing to be squeeze from. Push all the icing to the whole and lightly squeeze the icing out. I do this in a circle motion around the outside of the cupcake, working from the outside to the center.

Margarita Cupcakes

1. To start, follow the directions on the back of a plain White Cake Mix box. I used Pillsbury’s Moist Supreme Classic White cake mix but any brand will work.

2. Once the batter is made, add 1 shot of Tequila and mix well. I used Jose Cuervo Tequila because I had it around the house, but any brand or variety will work just as well.

3. Next, zest 1 lime into the cake batter.  Then, squeeze the juice of 2 limes into the batter, and mix well.

4. Pour the batter into paper line cupcake trays and bake the cupcakes as directed on the cake  mix box. Make sure the cupcakes are fully cooked as stated in the recipe above.

5. Take the cupcakes out of the oven and out of the pan, and let cool.

6. While the cupcakes are cooling, start your icing!


1.  You’ll need any 12 ounce jar of vanilla flavored icing. I used Betty Crocker’s Whipped Vanilla Icing, but again, any similar brand will work.

2. Zest 1 lime into the icing container and mix well.

3. Add 2 drops of green food coloring to the icing to give it a light green color. This way your cake and icing are not both the same color.  

4. If the dye made your icing  too watery, similar to how we did in the previous recipe, add a small amount of confectioners sugar to thicken it up.

5 Now time to ice the cupcakes! As I did for the last recipe, I find it easiest to scrape the icing into a plastic bag.and make sure it’s sealed well. I then cut one of the bottom corners of the bag off, just leaving a wide enough hole for the icing to be squeeze from. Push all the icing to the whole and lightly squeeze the icing out. I do this in a circle motion around the outside of the cupcake, working from the outside to the center.

TADA!!! Two summer cupcakes that are perfect for any summer picnic!